A large, bloodshot eye with a piercing emerald iris


a Wandering
Titan Trading

An infant sleeps now soundly on in a gentle nest of furs. Their sweetly dreams pluck dancing plums and tiger-lily whirls.

Undisturbed their slumber turns as a terrible rumbling now nears, its silhouette so vast as to extinguish the sky, a broad and brooding grasp to scoop boulder and barn, crushing all beneath its strident step.

T'is Old Jaittura's approaching boom, and our sleeping child awakens in a cloud of panicked desperation. Elders tumble-rush to extinguish candlelight & lantern, afore scurrying to subterranean shelters deep, daring ne'er to gasp nor peek nor breathe!

A single, ancient Titan's eye surveys the emptied streets, as within its battle-scarred skull we see another nest, of sorts ...

Where two small shadows dimly flit and scamper, and old Jaittura resumes once more its gargantuan, endless wanderings, and swiftly is gone once more...

  • A wandering Titan, humanoid in form, many tens of feet tall.

    Much of its upper body is brutally scarred and disfigured from age-old wounds incurred in some ancient battle.

    A hollowed eye-socket now houses a trading-post, of sorts, where may be found all manner of arcane amulets and trinkets.

  • Use this section as a quick reference during play, or at the start of a Session to refresh your GM senses!

    An ever-changing landscape

    Sacks and piles of various indeterminate creature parts

    Phials, bottles, jars, jugs, and bowls

    Circling birds, small and hungry, picking at the hair and flesh of Jaittura

    Incessant chittering from Stoppit & Scram - the keepers of Jaittura’s trading post

    Great crashes and stomping of Jaittura’s enormous feet across the landscape

    Occasional shouts of terror from astounded and astonished citizens, farmers, and travellers below

    Wind blowing about Jaittura’s head

    Occasional flocks of small birds circling and nesting on the Titan

    Unwashed flesh


    Damp soil and earth

    Unusual spices

    Slight “bleach” like scent

  • Jaittura's wares are rather unique, imbued as they are with a wide array of creature, beast, & monster parts.

    Some - having been stripped, boiled, churned, strained, and distilled - come as tinctures or powder preparations ready for sale.

    Others have been preserved, almost in their entirety, and set into charms, rings, brooches, bracelets and the like.

    The two "Keepers" of this store seek not coin, however, wanting only to trade for other articles most rare and unusual.

  • Bring to these Keepers a claw, a tongue, a tail, or feather! Perhaps a slender strand of merfolk hair, or the whisker of a seven-headed desert rat? A flask of aboleth mucous, or the eye of a beholder!

    Such things do seek the Keepers of Jaittura!

    Trinkets, too, and small treasures doth delight; but beware, for the Keepers shall spit angrily 'pon gold, silver, or copper, hissing and clawing at the air before them.

  • The Keepers offer all manner of salves and poultices, lockets and charms, and they encourage the Traveller to speak of these wares, in hopes that others will come in search of Jaittura!

    Fashioned from various creature parts, each item imbues the Adventurer with keen new senses or abilities, and the craftsmanship of each is highly prized, and highly spoken of far and wide.

  • The Keepers will say that none is available.

    The artful Traveller, however, should have little trouble positioning a bedroll somewhere amongst the many folds of old Jaittura's ragged cloth coverings, so long as such a thing is done upon the Titan's eyeless-side.

  • The two Trading Post Keepers, Stoppit & Scram, fight incessantly; arguing, poking, biting, clawing, slapping and shouting, each clamouring to secure Trade with any visitor (fool)hardy enough to find their way to old Jaittura's hollowed eye-socket.

    In their chaos and bickering, however, neither appear lord of the other, and they share all things equally come close of day.

  • The two Keepers - having accrued vast hordes of knowledge regarding their peculiar art - may offer much wisdom and technical advice.

    Be forewarned, however, for they are wretchedly superstitious; an accumulatory aspect of their art-form, or a clever contrivance of their salesmanship? Who could say?

    The two refuse to touch or handle coin, and will state it plainly, pointing to various angrily hand-written notices strung about their store that repeat as much.

    The Keepers also seem quite able to read one another's thoughts, and are not averse to finishing a sentence begun by the other.

    This extends also to meals, and sleeping - one doing so appearing to sustain the other in some unusual symbiosis.

  • This list is by no means exhaustive, and is intended simply to stir the pot of your own imagination.

    Use what follows as starting-pints, or ignore them entirely in favour of your own Adventure Hooks!

    Roll 1d10 or choose from the Table below :

    1 - In their travels, Scram & Stoppit discovered a magically slumbering body, and have hidden it within Jaittura's eye-socket, wishing only to protect it from harm. In a nearby Kingdom, a Royal Family desperately searches for their child.

    2 - Jaittura has been marked as noble quarry by a nearby Lord, and a great many warriors are hunting it, hoping to be richly rewarded and showered with many honours upon its besting.

    3 - An elderly Mage accosts the Party, telling them that Jaittura belongs to them, having been stolen by two small creatures; one with bushy eyebrows, and one with plant-like appendages.

    4 - Jaittura is deathly-sick, and its two pilot-inhabitants need assistance; everything they have tried has only made the sickness worse.

    5 - Stoppit & Scram are, in fact, two remnants of Jaittura's consciousness somehow made "flesh". Returning these neural aspects may heal Jaittura, delivering it from its mindless wanderings.

    6 - Jaittura was not simply hurt in that age-old attack, but mortally wounded and is now undead, kept alive by the two creatures who reside within its hollowed eye. Wherever it grazes, it leaves behind necrotic aspects most foul, tarnishing and spoiling the landscape.

    7 - Whatever it was that once caused such devastation to Jaittura has returned to finish the job.

    8 - Spend too long in close proximity to Jaittura - with its peculiar olfactory aroma of arcane death - and one becomes marked with its lingering odour, awakening the hunger of a creature most foul.

    9 - Stoppit & Scram bitterly refuse to handle, or accept, coin. But why? Are they cursed? Or does it harm their enormous, wandering mount in some terrible way?

    10 - A cohort of botanists have heard of rare herbs sprouting from Jaittura, and have hired the Party to collect, and return, samples.


    1 - A Rat’s tail, from which erupts a terrible screaming sound when squeezed.

    2 - A jar of fingerprints, varied.

    3 - A Goat-skin cap that allows the wearer to assume this animal’s form for 1d4 hours.

    4 - A pouch of smoke, taken from the burning antler of a Giant-Stag.

    5 - A wooden ring, upon which is set the tiniest of beating hearts.

    6 - A bladder containing a noxious stomach gas.

    7 - A jar of cinders collected from a fire elemental’s final breath.

    8 - A phial of mucous that seems to shimmer, disappear, and reappear.

    9 - A flute fashioned from a Harpy feather.

    10 - A troll bone ring.

    11 - A small grappling hook fashioned from a talon.

    12 - A Dragon-scale monocle.

    13 - A key fashioned from a Ropalidia-Wasp nest.

    14 - A net made from Dragonfly eggs.

    15 - A neatly tied bundle of Lionfish dorsal spines.

    16 - A coin purse fashioned from a Gulper Eel.

    17 - A dagger made from a Curlew’s beak.

    18 - A hat fashioned from the nest of a Weaver Bird.

    19 - a Shamshir made from the tusk of a Walrus.

    20 - A Tsukubo lined with teeth taken from a Gorgon’s Snakes.

  • Jaittura is an ancient and enormous creature.

    Its body displays many scars, tells many stories, and hints at many secrets and strange things.

    A perceptive Adventurer - having rolled 1d6 - may notice one (or more) of the following :

    1 - The left leg is peppered with several hundred spears deeply embedded into flesh long healed.
    Many retain a fairly sturdy shaft; adequate enough aid the ascent towards Jaittura’s hollowed eye socket.

    2 - The right knee is capped with the shell of a Giant Turtle, upon which is ornately painted an unusual arcane glyph.

    3 - The left arm is covered with a moss that produces an abundance of fresh water.
    Jaittura’s right palm is rich in a nourishing grass; eating its pale purple shoots causes wild and powerful hallucinations said to bring a person into the sight of their God.

    4 - The right arm is almost entirely covered in shields of all sizes and kind; buckler, chimalli, pavise, kalkan, dhal, aspis, and more.

    5 - Jaittura’s back appears to ripple with feather-like scales that rise and shimmer and tighten with the pressures of the air.

    6 - The chest of this magnificent Titan is riddled with variously sized hexagonal cavities, from which have been known to crawl, cling and erupt a variety of insectoids.

  • Roll 1d6 for a Jaittura Encounter :

    1 - Insects crawl from the flesh of Jaittura, drawn by the scent of magic upon the Adventuring Party.

    2 - A marauding band of bandits attack!

    3 - A warrior has come to claim their family’s lost coat of arms, painted upon a battered shield.

    4 - The Keepers have a jar of eggs for sale. A rather large creature has finally caught the scent, and wants its offspring returned.

    5 - A Mage stands in the path of Jaittura, and demands the Keepers return their property to them.

    6 - Every 1d6 minutes of play, Jaittura is irritated by the Party, as their presence is causing them to itch. The Titan’s hands swipe and scratch.

Magical Artefact of Jaittura

brought to you by the marvellously magical Mowse Brews
- creator of D&D 5e Magical Items -

Residents of Note:

ancestries have not been allocated, allowing the GM to assign as appropriate.

  • A monstrosity, most certainly, and a creature of colossal proportions!

    Scholars may recall various myths of the enormous humanoid's origin and creation; one such tale bears witness to the great destruction inflicted to its enormous visage.

    For, as striking as its size may be, it is the head that shocks most onlookers; smashed and brutally scarred along one side, deaf and blind thereafter, and seemingly directed in its wanderings by the two small Keepers who reside in one of its hollowed eye-sockets.

    The creature appears to bear no ill-will towards any in its path, does not chase nor stampede, and any damage it causes - though expansive - is entirely accidental and unwittingly done.

    Jaittura eats only grasses, shrubs and roots, and seeks out only the coldest of mountain-springs when thirsty, which it drains in a few gulps.

  • A constant, furious ball of energy, with enormously bushy eye-brows and a wild mop of hair atop their head that almost entirely conceals their intense glare.

    They are equipped of a most unruly tail, which is forever berated by their companion, Stoppit, seeming - as it does - to have almost a life of its own!

    Scram is able to read from two books (or any such scroll or page) simultaneously, merely by passing their fingers across their pages.

  • A little smaller than their companion, Scram, but possessed of the unique ability to grow all manner of appendages, many of which sprout small leaves, flowers, and even fruits!

    These growths, as they stretch and strain for sunlight and water, frequently cause a nuisance amongst the many precious instruments and implements of the pair's work.

    Stoppit is not above attempting to trade a cutting or two for some interesting article upon the visiting Adventurer!

Albyon’s Final Notes for the GM - pull apart this location so fantastically strange, toss aside all that irks to better rearrange the unspooling of inspirations, the pearls of this trade, to stitch anew an Adventure, and a Quest freshly made, t’wards a tale of your party's own Jaittura!


Imbruustafal - a Shattered Tower of Monsters & Mayhem


Kærwynn - a Fierce & Feuding Feast