An astral sea of purple and blue stars


an Astral Pirate Cove

The caustic shriek of a hundred gulls spike the crackling salty air, as heliotropic waves crash ‘pon crystalline shores one thousand feet beneath the wide hulls of The Caspyabar’n and The Plundering Sun.

These two enormous clockwork Ships have spent weeks - nay, months - at play abroad the many Planes, their timbers now hewn and heavy with strange assemblies; warped matter and artefacts of the weave that lately have begun to attract immense interstellar creatures who feed upon space and time and magic.

The great brass sails of these two Ships shimmer in the many suns, having passed through the vast Astral Gates to float at anchor here in

And, as the Cove's arcana spins strangely with the angular, restless hum of The Napra - that swarm of infinitesimal creatures that repair any damage to a Ship - the exhausted crews might rest awhile, in safety and calm repose.

But it is not the vastness of the many Planes beyond that unsettles our Captains, nor the warped gravities of the many islets that rise and shift and fall through the air along with the arcane tides …

… it is “The Rancid Squid” - a new and unfamiliar Ship that anchors here, for below its briny decks there yawns and stirs with hunger something hidden by the lone survivor of
its brutally massacred crew...

  • A shimmering, crystal beach of unusual gravities, only accessible via inter-planar portals.

    Pirates use the Cove to refuel, repair, rest, and recuperate, as well as to indulge in gambling, sport, and trading.

    Connecting Aeodreyal to Your Campaign :
    Consider how your Players might arrive at such a place - an artefact they require? Following a lead? Looking to make allies?
    No astral or inter-planar travel in your Game? Perhaps use Aeodreyal as more of a typical pirate enclave.
    Don’t want to use pirates? Aeodreyal can be used as a bustling merchant port instead!

  • Use this section as a quick reference during play, or at the start of a Session to refresh your GM senses!


    • Variously sized astral sailing ships anchored several hundred feet in the air.

    • Beaches of shimmering, jagged crystal shards.

    • Several suns, some eclipsed by moons, others obscured by huge floating islets of needle-like rock.

    • Shoals of tiny, glistening crystal fish.

    • Shimmering, many-hued streaks of colour ribboning high in the sky.


    • Screeching seagulls.

    • Shouts and calls from sailors.

    • Fiddles and tin-whistles.

    • Waves crashing and pulling at the crystal sea-shore.


    • Tar.

    • Oil and wood fires.

    • Brine and sea-spray.

    • Sweat and filth from those labouring on the ships.

    • Blubber.

    • Tobacco.

  • Trade is eagerly undertaken in Aeodreyal, and the Adventurer may find all manner of artefacts, foodstuffs, weapons, and more besides, both strange and commonplace!

    Ships at anchor in the cove will carry much of interest in their holds, and some will have stores in need of some replenishment.

    A general agreement has been in place for longer than any may remember, however; no individual nor outfit is permitted to erect, or claim ownership over, any permanent trading post.

    Over time, this has come to be interpreted as no trade taking place aboard any ship claimed by a Captain and, as a result, a lone and long-abandoned lifeboat bobs and floats in the air between the vessels; neutral “ground”.

    It is there - upon The Rower - that crew, passengers, ambassadors and bosuns alike address the matter of coin and container; bartering, haggling, arguing, laughing and drinking; oftentimes cursing and even fighting over the value of some article or another.

    The two halves of any Trade are mediated by Snollins - said to have missed his own ship’s departure many moon’s ago after falling asleep, and thereafter hauled into mediatory service by several traders as their bartering devolved towards squabbling and fisticuffs.

    As crews languish and grow listless in the Cove, their attentions begin to turn towards The Plateau; the largest of the illuminated Islets that rise and fall with the arcane tides. Coin flows freely here, too, as sailors gamble upon endeavours both bizarre and unsavoury.

    For it is here, roughly hewn into the stone of this rocky islet, that something of a natural amphitheatre can be found.

    Many of the monstrosities inadvertently pulled through the rifts and nexus that yawn open and closed about Aeodreyal’s Cove are set against one another here in dreadful combat.

    These bouts reap much reward for some, begetting barren coin purses for others. No matter, for it is entertainment and distraction the sailors seek, and it had upon The Plateau in droves.

  • All manner of loot, treasure, and booty that an Adventurer might imagine, and more besides!

    If it can be found, stolen, or otherwise “liberated” anywhere in one of the Many Planes, one might stumble upon it here in Aeodreyal.

    The occasional Traveller may even arrive in the Cove transporting some great beast, in the hopes of winning fantastic amounts of coin upon The Plateau.

  • The single greatest need for a ship here - beyond the impressive nature of the repairs (see the "Residents of Note" section for more details) - is to refuel.

    The clockwork aspects of these particular ships require a very particular substance, known as “Soulen Shards" - drifting fragments of sentient souls lost for eons upon the Ethereal Plane that shimmer and refract across space and time, somehow syphoned through to come to rest in Coves such as Aeodreyal.

    For the ships, proximity to the islets and shore of the Cove is essential, as is sufficient time to fully recharge their arcane, clockwork engines.

    A few rare and talented individuals, possessing sublime Arcane understanding, have begun to unravel methods for extracting and exporting the energy of the Soulen Shards, but work is slow and dangerous. Much work is still to be done to fully understand and master this process.

    It is hoped that - once perfected - exportation of Soulen will begin; a source of excitement for some, dismay and concern for others.

  • Lodgings may be acquired aboard any of the Ships anchored in Aeodreyal, and the GM may bring any number of vessels into the Cove for such purposes.

    Such lodgings may, of course, be subject to various conditions or encumbrances, including matters relating directly to your Party who may have arrived in Aeodreyal aboard an Inter-Planar Vessel of their own.

    Adventurers might also wish to set up temporary camp on any one of the strangely illuminated islets that rise and fall with the invisible arcane tides.

    The GM should consider making the Party aware that the gravitational aspects of these massive, needle shaped rocks belies the Party’s relative position in the Cove, differing wildly from hour to hour.

    Where they begin their rest may not be where they finish it!

    It should also be noted that the many suns here in the Cove mean that darkness never quite arrives; instead a near perpetual twilight of orange, pink and purple hues suffuse the horizons in every direction of Aeodreyal.

    This may make sleep difficult for some, or play havoc with the rituals and sensitivities of others.

  • The Cove is neutral ground, and none claim nor assert sovereignty here.

    Order, however, is maintained through the traditional status-quo of hierarchies inherent aboard each Ship; the Captains command all, and each rank and station below adheres to their respective station.

    This understanding is afforded to all, no matter the ship upon which they are anchored, or have arrived, in Aeodreyal.

  • As one might reasonably expect from the gathering of so many ships, the atmosphere here in the Cove is rambunctious, often unruly, loud and frequently with a sense that something close to a riot may erupt; although none such thing ever has.

    Crews often spend a great deal of time at anchor here, particularly when their Ships are in need of a great many repairs.

    Naturally, these individuals begin to yearn variously for pursuits to pass the time, and do so with sport, games, contests, performances, and all manner of individual hobbies.

    Some even pass the time training, acquiring or improving their skills, and the eager Adventurer may find innumerable opportunities to study beneath those who have mastered various martial, arcane or mundane pursuits.

    This may, of course, be the perfect opportunity to encourage your Players to seek new Feats, new Abilities, and new Proficiencies. Talk with your Players to find unique and interesting things they may wish to learn whilst in Aeodreyal.

  • This list is by no means exhaustive, and is intended simply to stir the pot of your own imagination.

    Use what follows as starting-points, or ignore them entirely in favour of your own Adventure Hooks!

    Roll 1d8 or choose from the Table below :

    1 - A group of Mages, far beyond the Cove, are experimenting with the creation of Soulen Shards, fracturing new and unwilling souls on the Material Plane. Unbeknownst to these Mages, the fractured shards are still arriving in the Cove, but have begun to take root in some of the Mortals here, possessing them and altering their behaviours.

    2 - the Hull of one of the Ships in the Cove is dripping with strange, flesh-like technology that none have ever seen before. Aspects of it even appear to be somewhat … alive!

    3 - the Napra - tiny crab and octopi-like creatures that repair damaged Ships in their swarms - are behaving strangely - weaving bizarre additions and upgrades to the Ships they are repairing. No-one knows why this is happening.

    4 - One of the Captains has decided to seize control of Aeodreyal, attacking any Ship that arrives through the many Gates (controlled & protected astral tears in space & time that enable passageway to, and from, the Cove).

    5 - The Gates are beginning to collapse in on themselves, spitting out bizarre astral nightmares as they do so. The Ships and their Crews risk being trapped in Aeodreyal forever if the Gates are not kept open.

    6 -Derewin Lazov is here in the Cove to destroy other ships, and their Crews, just as he destroyed those upon The Rancid Squid.

    7 - The strange creature hidden by Derewin Lazov has developed a taste for Napra, devouring any that stray too near. This may have devastating consequences for the Cove’s ecosystem, or even trigger strange mutations in the creature, itself.

    8 - A Royal House wishes to host a grand and spectacular race, and have dispatched the Party to find the - and recruit - the fastest ships to participate.


    Roll 1d20 to name it, or choose from the Table below :

    1 - The Fluffy Duck

    2 - The Monkfish

    3 - Cadaver’s Call

    4 - Stormbringer

    5 - The Flotsam

    6 - The Resurrection

    7 - Harmfall’s Yonder

    8 - The Sargassum

    9 - The Briny Viper

    10 - The Spit Capelin

    11 - The Thornback

    12 - Wobbegong Tides

    13 - The Pineapple

    14 - The Thirsting Tusk

    15 - The Bastard Daughter

    16 - Shinglespit

    17 - The Sea-Skunk

    18 - Bramblesnatch

    19 - Blue Skyphozoa

    20 - The Clam Nasty

  • Every ship needs a Crew!

    Roll 1d8 to fill the decks, or choose from the Table below!

    1 -
    111 Gnomes. Each time an order is given, a single Gnome falls overboard, never to be seen again.

    2 - A rabble of unruly, destructive, uncontrollable children, and their pet capuchin-monkey, “Pickelhaube”

    3 - A consortium of giant spider-crabs, each one dressed in identical sailor’s attire, able to wield several cutlasses at once, and man two cannons simultaneously.

    4 - A skeleton crew. Literally skeletons. With each week at sea that passes, their greedy eyeing of anyone on board who might boast of flesh becomes more apparent.

    5 - A committee of sailors who debate the relative merits, and vote upon, any order given. Their last ship took two weeks simply to leave Port. Dropping anchor once took four months, by which point they were several hundred miles adrift of their desired position.

    6 - An extraordinarily competent and experienced crew, likely the best to ever set-sail. Unfortunately for the Party, however, they are hell-bent on mutiny; whatever the cost.

    7 - Creatures with a deadly, life-threatening aversion to sea-water. The smallest drop turns them immediately to stone. 1d4 of them expire in this manner each day.

    8 - A blessing of Narwhal-folk; hard workers, extremely capable, but utterly distracted by a pine-cone that seems to tumble across the deck from time to time.

  • Roll 1d20 for an Aeodreyal Trinket, or choose from the Table below :

    1 - A small piece of driftwood with various obscenities carved into it, used to unblock latrines.

    2 - A yard of endlessly dripping wet sea-weed.

    3 - A knot of rope that tightens when close to salt.

    4 - A depiction of various never-before-encountered sea-monsters; the drawings seem to move in the moonlight.

    5 - A broken looking-glass fashioned from brass. Its unusual curse affects any who bring it to their eye.

    6 - A lump of sea-coal that occasionally sighs.

    7 - A glowing fish skeleton in a jar of rock-salt.

    8 - A Narwal horn carved and decorated with runes.

    9 - A deck-splinter said to bring good-luck.

    10 - A cracked clay-pipe in a stitched leather sleeve.

    11 - A small wooden box containing apothecary’s supplies.

    12 - A ship’s biscuit riddled with talkative weevils.

    13 - A sealed barrel of tidal wave wind.

    14 - A dried scalp with a map tattooed upon one side. On the other is a warning not to pursue.

    15 - A pocket watch upon which time ticks in reverse.

    16 - Detailed instructions for the construction of some strange sea-faring apparatus never before seen.

    17 - A single share certificate in a Merchant Naval company.

    18 - A medal celebrating the awardee’s heroic accomplishments at sea.

    19 - A small silver idol in the shape of a strange, mythical beast.

    20 - A tobacco tin that buzzes in the presence of a liar.

  • Roll 1d8 for an Aeodreyal Encounter, or choose from the Table below :

    1 - The Napra have swarmed upon a sailor, affixing to them all manner of aspects, and transforming them into a twisted giant of wood and metal.

    2 - A large sum of money gambled upon the The Plateau has gone missing, and many are pinning the blame upon a Party member.

    3 - A Giant Astral-Octopus has burst through one of the inter-planar gates, and is devouring an anchored ship, along with its terrified crew.

    4 - Someone, or something, has been cutting anchor rodes, causing damaged and half-repaired ships to float dangerously close to the inter-planar gates.

    5 - In the middle of the night, the ship upon which the Party sleeps is set ablaze.

    6 - A visiting Mage has consumed a store of Soulen Shards, and has begun a murderous spree across the many ships anchored in Aeodreyal.

    7 - Several beasts kept for The Plateau’s entertainments have broken free of their confinements, and have set about devouring spectators.

    8 - A vast war-ship has arrived in Aeodreyal, and its First-Mate claims it to be transporting a God - a God that is demanding tribute from every ship, and every sailor, anchored here.

Residents of Note:

with the exception of The Napra, ancestries have not been allocated, allowing the GM to assign as appropriate.

Two miniscule hermit crabs side by side on sand
  • The nature of any repairs made to damaged ships is unique to Aeodreyal; incredibly tiny crab and octopi like creatures - no bigger than the head of a needle - nestled below the surface of the shimmering crystal sands of the Cove, awaiting activation.

    They swarm across a ship, as though of one mind, through the vast clockwork engines, over and under the dripping hull, along the masts and the enormous brass sails, repairing every aspect of damage they find, without rest, for as long as it may takes.

    None seem to know how long these creatures have been present in the Cove, nor even how they came to be.

Several archaic world globes stacked tightly
  • of ‘The Caspyabar’n’ - a leader of ferocious, and near legendary status.

    Parldon rarely speaks, except to whisper a word here or there into the ear of a trusted Lieutenant. There are crews who say that their true voice can kill a soul, and tear it into Soulen, whilst others say their voice was stolen from them by a jealous lover.

    More rumours circulate that the strange birthmark upon Parldon’s face is the source of otherworldly magic.

    Whispers in the Cove say the ship’s crew has abandoned piracy, having grown soft and lazy on the spoils of their plundering. Other tales, however, simmer on how ‘The Caspyabar’n’ has set a course for a wondrous treasure that not even the Gods would dare pursue, having forsaken all endeavours until this great prize is claimed.

    ’The Caspyabar’n’ may be not the fastest of ships, but she carries a near-unmatched arsenal of guns, both arcane and archaic, and its crew are - in truth - devastatingly loyal and proficient.

A shoddy oar held together with twine lifting from the ocean
  • Found aboard “The Rower” - an aged, abandoned lifeboat riddled with holes and ripe with the stench of the sea - Snollins is the only permanent resident to be found here in Aeodreyal.

    Small, impossibly gruff and grumpy, and with shoulders that appear hunched almost up to their hair-sprouting ears, Snollins suffers no fools, is sharp of wit and can catch the weight of a coin or the bite of a lie in a heartbeat.

    Snollins clatters about "The Rower" in oversized, mismatched hob-nailed boots, with several large woollen scarves wrapped about them to keep away some change in the wind that never comes.

    They are partial to apricots and, for one reason or another, collect and fiercely guard their pits once the flesh has been torn from them by their silvery teeth.

    Snollins sleeps in a small tent - a patchwork of old sails - erected at one end of "The Rower", and will offer hot jasmine tea in delicate porcelain cups to anyone who lingers.

    Although they will not offer conversation, they are more than happy to return it, should another strike it up; beware, however, for their tales are strange and littered with shocking vulgarities.

Brass sword hilt laid on golden fabric elaborately stitched
  • Captain of ‘The Plundering Sun’ - a gratingly pretentious and pompously grandiose character, Cpt. Polydarp appears to live under the assumption that they are some bastion on nobility, dressing and speaking very much the part. If pressed for details, they are prone to pause their reciting of poetry or their appreciation of posies, erupt into a blistering rage, and run you through with their gold-plated rapier.

    Not unsurprisingly, ‘The Plundering Sun’ is presently also looking for several Crew members to replace those recently “let go”.

    The ship, itself, is said to be one of - if not the - fastest ship ever put to sail, and has made quite the name for itself from the many lightning raids it has successfully undertaken in its career.

A single skull and pile of bones in the muddy gloom
  • Captain of ‘The Incessant’ - the oldest ship, it is said, belonging to the oldest of Captains, and by far the wisest. Unusually, Hatay sails only for the glittering sound held within the brass sails, now, and to watch the arcane mists part at the tip of the masts, and to hear the boson’s whistle as it echoes from port to starboard.

    A Symphony, Hatay calls it; Foolishness, others mutter and spit.

    Hatay is clothed in a modest manner, their attire neither new nor old, but simply as though held in time. They carry upon them a silver pocket watch, with which they seem to fidget and consult in a manner that might suggest forgetfulness, perhaps, or an anxiety to be moving along.

    The Crew of ‘The Incessant’ are skeleton; not just in number, but also in form, kept astride by an arcane orb deep within the Hold of the ship which also grants the vessel strange manoeuvring qualities never dreamt, let alone possessed, by any other Captain before.

    Knowledge of this orb, and its properties, is fiercely guarded by Captain Hatay.

Red velvet empty chair in a dusty alchemists room
  • A Soulen Seeker & Prime Alchemist, Favian has come to Aeodreyal to test out various Arcane Constructions in the hopes of better understanding the mechanics of holding, and transporting, Soulen Shards.

    Ordinarily, when removed from the Cove, this strange substance requires a state of perpetual flux to maintain its delicately unstable state.

    The clockwork engines of the Ships anchored in Aeodreyal naturally perform this function as they expend the fuel in their propulsion systems, thus avoiding any provocation of the extremely volatile nature of Soulen.

    Simply collecting, storing, and transporting Soulen Shards, however, is incredibly dangerous and, so far, none have managed to do so successfully. In fact, many have perished in this pursuit.

    Meldus hopes to change this, and to be the very first to bring Soulen to the Material Plane, to study its properties, and to explore its energetic potential. Others, of course, see potential for much coin and even greater influence.

  • An Orc of enormous stature, rippling muscles, and covered in “MUM” tattoos (inscribed upon their skin whilst drunk, they do not - in fact - know of their mother), Skronk appears to be a formidable force to be reckoned with, and is employed to keep watch at the entrance of the plateau’s Amphitheatre.

    Truth be told, there’s not a single angry or violent bone in their massive body.

    Child-like, ineffably naive, and unable to sleep without their mangey old teddy-bear, Gillie, or their snot-stained blankey, Skronk is kind of heart, stronger than several oxen, and generally rather shy - at least until certain of friendship.

A suspicious eye peering out from the gloom
  • The lone survivor upon 'The Rancid Squid', a devastatingly damaged ship newly arrived in the Cove of Aeodreyal.

    Derewin appears deeply traumatised by whatever happened to The 'Squid, and seems either unwilling, or unable, to offer any details of the attack.

    Derewin's face is a nest of piercings, many of which carry various spiritual and religious charms. They are often to be found quietly muttering to themselves, and chewing on their fingertips.

    Since arriving in the Cove, they have also befriended some small creature, appearing to find much comfort in its presence. This creature does not appear to have originated here in Aeodreyal and has taken to devouring any Napra that come too close to it.

Albyon’s Final Notes for the GM
pull apart this location so fantastically strange,
toss aside all that irks to better rearrange
the unspooling inspirations, the pearls of our trade,
to stitch anew an Adventure, & a Quest freshly made,
t’wards a tale of your Party's own


Baron Arcadia's Circus Fortuna