a Titan’s Corpse Afloating


In murky river's mist embrace there lay a Colossus, long dead, half decomposed.

Such vibrant hues against the Titan’s greying sinew, where ethereal gases ancient
draw a spectral, rotting veil.

In congregations come carrion-fed creatures to feast upon the flesh decay,
as strange specimens entwine with otherworldly luminescence,
and corpse-blooms defy the noxious grasp of death.

Upon this bloated behemoth, too, do islanders make their home; at peace with putrefaction
in their foetid floating biome.

And so it is to Eskanisle that we Travellers shall tentatively roam, to add another
flesh-flecked feather to this most ungodly tome.

  • A long-dead Leviathan, floating face down upon a river. Within its bloated innards a rich ecosystem thrives, whilst upon its back a most resilient people reside.

    The slow decomposition of the gargantuan corpse attracts strange beasts from near and far, both aquatic and airborne.

    Curious scholars and Adventurers, too, make their way to Eskanisle, for there is much here to dissect and discern!

  • Use this section as a quick reference during play, or at the start of a Session to refresh your GM senses!

    ~ Brightly mould-tinged Flora and Fungi.

    ~ Makeshift homes, some several storeys tall, constructed from scrap and detritus, and perched tenuously upon the back of Eskanisle.

    ~ Slowly decaying flesh, pockmarked with grey sinews and protruding bone.

    ~ Scuttling of corpse-beetles.

    ~ Hissing of decomposition gases.

    ~ Splashes of disturbed water as various creatures dart and dive beneath the river’s surface.

    ~ Sweet, acrid scent, as though of rotting meat & fruit.

    ~ Noxious smoke from unusually fuelled fires.

    ~ Stagnant water.

  • The malodorous fumes of Eskanisle keep traders at bay, whilst the ancient provenance of the Titan prompts superstitious passers-by to deliver tributes and offerings in hope of blessings and good luck for their passage through the dangerous waters.

    These offerings are exchanged amongst the residents, and recycled into materials for their makeshift buildings, lending a chaotic, unstructured air to their construction.

  • Due to the polluted, putrefied nature of Eskanisle, fresh water is a most precious and much revered commodity. New stocks arriving are added to a communal well, and not a single drop is wasted.

    Islanders are always on the look out for floating scrap and detritus, too, and visitors can expect to see all manner of relics and remnants of places far and wide refitted and repurposed here.

  • A rare flora known as Corpse-Bloom - it grows only in Eskanisle's gut, and is used in the creation of potions, in resurrection magic, and in the breaking of barriers to the world of the dead.

    Rotwood Symbionts, too, are highly sought. These small, humanoid plants are considered beautiful by many, whilst others consider them a manifestation of nature spirits.

    Bright green Vivianite crystals are perhaps the greatest treasure of Eskanisle; only a few are known to exist, sprouting from the decaying depths only once every ten or so years.

  • Constructed from salvaged materials dredged from the surrounding waters, and fortified with the ingenuity born of necessity, the lodgings of Eskanisle are a testament to the resourcefulness of its inhabitants.

    Rough-hewn timbers and weather-beaten canvas serve as the building blocks of these humble structures, many of which are several storeys tall.

    Within these modest dwellings, the villagers find respite from the ever-present spectre of decay.

    Crude furnishings crafted from driftwood and salvaged metal provide much comfort.

  • Due to the close-knit nature of Eskanisle's population, and the shared struggle for survival amidst decay, decisions are made communally.

    This inclusive approach fosters a sense of ownership and solidarity among residents, strengthening their collective resolve in the face of adversity.

    Like the rot of the colossus upon whose back they reside, any change or progress is achingly slow.

  • Most residents live and die on Eskanisle. The limited space upon the Leviathan’s back means that as families grow, their homes get higher and higher; a new floor for each generation.

    The tallest building ever known - a full 16 floors - was badly damaged in a storm, killing several generations.

    Most islanders work as scavengers, sorters, and cleaners - all focussed on turning the floating scrap and detritus of the river into usable materials.

    A few brave residents work as Leviathan divers, tunnelling deep into the flesh of Eskanisle to harvest food and resources.

    It is a dangerous profession, and is rumoured to be the source of the Rotwood Symbiont creation; a bizarre merging of humanoid and corpse-bloom.

  • inhabiting various physiological sites upon the floating Titan, they include the following :

    1 - The Clavicks
    Proud and almost regal. They hold fast to the honour of being the longest unbroken line of Leviathan Divers.

    They also brew a rather mean hooch, which they consume, seemingly without ill-effect, from dawn 'til dusk.

    2 - The Humeruns
    Close neighbours of the Clavicks, and with a knack for putting the aforementioned family's hooch to (an arguably) better use in various experiments of curing and pickling.

    The Humeruns are a scruffy lot, and unusually scrappy, forgetful and untidy - even for an Eskanisler.

    3 - The Sacrums
    Obsessed with cleanliness and appearance, this family may at first appear rather haughty and superior.

    In truth, their tendencies have kept many an Eskanisler from the grip of sickness.

    4 - The Fibulans
    A superstitious and old-fashioned lot, who decorate their shack with all manner of skulls and antlers fished from the waters that run by Eskanisle.

    Quiet, and keeping to themselves, they are not often seen far from their abode.

    5 - The Calcaneus'
    Reckless, brash, and bold, this noisy family can be heard from head to toe of Eskanisle, and care not for the judgements of any.

    They enjoy the company of others, and are always sure to tell tales of their ancestor's explorations, and they proudly show the many artefacts said to have returned home with them.

  • Many unusual beasts wander and roam above, across, and below the great, rotting Titan.
    Your Party is sure to encounter at least one of these!

    Roll 1d6, or choose from the Table below :

    1 : Scavenger eels
    These elongated, serpentine creatures slither through the purge fluid released by Eskanisle, their sleek bodies manoeuvring easily through tight spaces.

    Their razor-sharp teeth make easy work of bone, as they feed upon the nutrient rich deposits of marrow and connective tissues.

    2 : Fungal Skulkers
    These small, insect-like creatures scuttle throughout the bloated belly. Their bodies are covered in symbiotic fungi that camouflages and communicates.

    The Skulkers roam in swarms, feed on bacterium, keeping it from dominating the ecosystem.

    3 : Bloatfly
    Swarming clouds buzz around any openings upon the Leviathan, their delicate wings forever aglow in the dim light.

    Their method of reproduction consists of consuming their body weight in the gases emitted by the huge corpse, before bursting into luminous egg-sprays.

    This cycle also plays a part in slowing the decomposition of Eskanisle.

    4 : Rotwood Symbiotes
    Strange plant-like creatures that take root in the decaying remains. Their twisted tendrils intertwine into a humanoid shape.

    They live in harmony amongst the river folk, and have been adopted into Eskanisle life.

    5 : Shadowstalkers
    Formidable hunters in areas of darkness, they prey on the smallest creatures of Eskanisle, blending seamlessly with the shadows.

    Though relatively small, and reclusive, they are not to be underestimated, and when cornered can be extremely vicious. They are also the main source of protein for the Villagers.

    6 : Corpse Beetles
    The largest beetle, they scavenge for carrion amidst the rotting remains. Their armoured exoskeletons provide ample protection against any toxic gases, and their presence an indicator of atmospheric toxicity that human flesh cannot withstand.

  • This list is by no means exhaustive, and is intended simply to stir the pot of your own imagination.

    Use what follows as starting-points, or ignore them entirely in favour of your own Adventure Hooks!

    Roll 1d6 or choose from the Table below :

    1 - A handful of residents report hearing a thumping from inside the Leviathan, some even saying it is the heart beating once again. If life is returning, it will surely spell an end to life upon Eskanisle.

    2 - A researcher wants to explore the nature of corpse-bloom, and how various creatures thrive in these conditions. They require protection as they explore the depths of the rotting Leviathan.

    3 - A villager is with child, and the family need to expand their living space. The walls of the next storey must be lined with insect wings, and the floor coated in lily-pads.

    4 - Chuck is the product of Aurelius’ strange experiments (see Residents of Note below), and each quietly wishes the other “disposed” of.
    Will the Party choose a side, or play them against one another in order to unlock the secrets of Eskanisle?

    5 - A local landowner blames Eskanisle for their failing crops, and offers a handsome sum to set it ablaze and sink it.

    6 - A wedding is planned, and the Eskanislers wish to pay the Party for protection against any marauding, winged beasts.


    Roll 1d20, or choose from the Table below :

    1 - A skull of pale green crystal that glows with an eerie light when under water.

    2 - A foul smelling liquid in a small bottle labelled "Torpesco".

    3 - A leather gourd made from the tanned flesh of Eskanisle.

    4 - A clunky helmet fashioned from various dented metals, many with the embossed markings of far-flung merchants.

    5 - A foul smelling scrubbing brush with coarse, blackened bristles.

    6 - A small pouch containing small strips of dried meat; origin unknown.

    7 - A sun-shade, made from thick intestinal lining.

    8 - A jug of pale briny fluid, labelled "For The Betterment of One's Constitution".

    9 - A rotten paddle, covered in mould and sparkling mildew.

    10 - A pouch of gaming pieces, carved from parts of a single, large tooth.

    11 - An uneven pair of thick leather sandals.

    12 - A fine, seemingly endless thread.

    13 - A shield fashioned from a blackened fingernail.

    14 - A waterproof shawl stitched from large lily-pad leaves.

    15 - A small, hand-held lantern with a mesh lid. Ideal for luring, and capturing, night insects.

    16 - A meat-tenderiser; heavy and missing a few teeth.

    17 - A child's toy fashioned from the broken remains of several others.

    18 - A stringed instrument constructed from several wooden boxes originally meant for storing food.

    19 - A tall, thin bottle full of swirling, colourful gases.

    20 - A slightly unsettling likeness of the Titan itself, in marionette form.

  • Roll 1d8 for an Eskanisle Encounter or choose from the Table below :

    1 - Great pustulous boils are beginning to swell and burst upon the rotting flesh, sending foul and corrosive liquids in all directions.

    2 - The limbs of Eskanisle are beginning to disconnect, and some residents see an opportunity to liberate themselves from the body politic. Arguments, debates, and raging rows erupt in all directions.

    3 - A bizarre religious cult has made a pilgrimage to Eskanisle, and they are demanding the right to build their own church upon it.

    4 - Several residents have become trapped within what remains of the lower intestines. Their shouts for help are diminishing, one by one.

    5 - Great winged beasts dive down upon Eskanisle, tearing roofs from makeshift abodes and snatching the residents within.

    6 - A bright and glowing fluid is coursing through the vascular system of the undead Titan. Fingers and toes randomly twitch. Panic is close at hand.

Residents of Note:

Ancestries have not been allocated, allowing the GM to assign as appropriate.

  • A wise and respected figure, and the last of the oldest family of Eskanisle.

    Known for their deep connection to the Leviathan's customs and traditions, and for never leaving their dwelling upon the ankle of the great titan.

    Thalra offers opinions freely, even when unwanted or unasked for.

  • Possessing a rare gift for communing with the ancient spirit believed to inhabit the decaying remains of Eskanisle.

    They are believed to converse directly with the Leviathan's essence, and is often lost in visions and echoes of its past.

    Some in the community avoid them at all cost; fearful, perhaps, that their corpse-host will condemn, or wish ill, upon them, whilst others commune with Mira, seeking spiritual guidance.

  • A master of botanical alchemy, this recluse dwells in a makeshift laboratory nestled within the stomach of Eskanisle. Rumours abound that the fumes there have maddened their mind.

    Aurelius spends their days experimenting with the unique flora and gases of the Leviathan, seeking to unlock their hidden properties and harness their potential for the benefit of the community.

  • A passionate scholar, and the only resident "outsider". They have devoted their life to studying the creatures Eskanisle.

    Lyra keeps meticulous journals filled with sketches and observations of the Leviathan's botanical wonders, scarred tissues, and inhabitants, believing them to possess many untold secrets that they are unwilling to share or discuss with anyone.

  • A skilled engineer and inventor who specialises in salvaging, repurposing, and maintaining materials for the Leviathan's shambling structures.

    They are constantly innovating new ways to adapt and build against the challenges of their environment and the threat of decay, as well as fashioning improvements to their own mechanical ambulatory system so that they might perambulate with greater ease.

    Gideon's resourcefulness and craftsmanship are essential to the survival of the community, and they are well liked and respected by all.

  • No-one is quite sure who, or what, this unusual fleshy aberration is, but all are grateful for how it busies itself with fetching and carrying.

    Despite its small size, Chuck is able to carry enormous loads with the many humanoid-like arms that jut at unusual angles from its mounds of bright pink flesh.

    Chuck resides within one of the enormous, partially submerged ear canals of the titan.

Albyon’s Final Notes for the GM
pull apart this location so fantastically strange,
toss aside all that irks to better rearrange
the unspooling inspirations, the pearls of our trade,
to stitch anew an Adventure, & a Quest freshly made,
t’wards a tale of your Party's own


Drüskafeer Inn - a Feast of Flesh & Souls


Fouillard & Gabbardine's - Arcane Atelier